Tag: React
React: Call Child Functions from Parent Functional Component
In the dynamic world of React development, one question often leads to another, unfolding layers of complexity and elegance in code. Recently, a junior programmer on my team approached me with a seemingly straightforward query: “How can I call child functions from a parent functional component in React?” Another colleague quickly interjected, “You can’t do…
The Ultimate Guide to Blazor: How to Build Client-Side Web Applications with C#
Blazor is an open-source web framework that allows developers to build interactive client-side web applications using C# and .NET. It was developed by Microsoft as an alternative to JavaScript-based frameworks like Angular and React. One of the main benefits of Blazor is that it enables developers to use their existing C# skills and code to…
ReactJS Release CICD for azure devops Pipeline and GitHub actions
I am going to show you how to properly release ReactJS for production. I show you how to drastically reduce the deploy time when it comes to ReactJS Release CICD for azure devops Pipeline and GitHub actions. React is a JavaScript library that helps you make UI in in a very nice way. Though, to…
Single Page Application (SPA) vs Multi Page Application (MPA)
If you want to decide about what technology you want to make your solution, one of the things to consider is if it should be Single Page Applications (SPA) or Multi Page Application (MPA). I see some teams decide to go with SPA because it is shiner, or MVC because they are in the impression…
SignalR & React example project (2023) – no extra package!
Have you ever needed to communicate from server to the react client? We normally use an api to call the server from client and we learned to live with that, but some time you need the opposite. This article is about how to use Aspnet SignalR to send notifications to the React app.
npm package json lock version lockfileVersion:1 or 2? All you need
Now that node.js LTS is change to v16 many team members and even domen cloud providers have not upgraded yet and are still on v12 or v14. Node.js 14 comes with npm version 6 now we are on version 8. The teams having problem with someone messing up the git repo updating npm package json…