Month: November 2021

  • npm package json lock version lockfileVersion:1 or 2? All you need

    npm package json lock version lockfileVersion:1 or 2? All you need

    Now that node.js LTS is change to v16 many team members and even domen cloud providers have not upgraded yet and are still on v12 or v14. Node.js 14 comes with npm version 6 now we are on version 8. The teams having problem with someone messing up the git repo updating npm package json…

  • SonarQube Pull Request Scanner + Community

    SonarQube Pull Request Scanner + Community

    On the previous article, we installed a SonarQube community server on ubuntu and using SQL server. Now We are going to expand our learnings and create the whole process of code quality assurance with SonarQube. We are making a CI/CD workflow so that any line of new code be scanned and measured by SonarQube. This…

  • SonarQube 10 installation on Ubuntu + SQL Server (Updated 2023)

    SonarQube 10 installation on Ubuntu + SQL Server (Updated 2023)

    What is SonarQube? SonarQube is a code quality scanner that can scan many languages including Java, C# and JavaScript. Although SonarQube code scanner and sonarqube code coverage is very advanced in C#, it seems in the DotNet world the the concept of code quality scannanning and specially SonarQube did not grow to its full potential.…